Acclimate helps solve one of the greatest challenges facing employers today: talent acquisition.
614 N Skinker
St. Louis, MO 63130
Asian American Chamber of Commerce
Founded in 2011, the Asian American Chamber of Commerce (AACC) of St. Louis serves corporate professionals and business owners from East Asian, Southeast Asian and South Asian communities in the Greater St. Louis region as well as those who conduct business in Asia
Arch Grants
Arch Grants disrupted the status quo of economic development in 2012 with a mission to transform the economy – in St. Louis and throughout the world – by attracting and retaining extraordinary entrepreneurs.
Africa Chamber of Commerce
The African Chamber of Commerce St. Louis (ACCSTL) is a St. Louis-based not-for-profit corporation founded in 2017 to develop African Professionals and business owners in the St. Louis area. The ACCSTL was founded by economic and community development professionals who saw the opportunity to grow the St. Louis business environment through relationships and investment in the African immigrant community. Through networking, advocacy, and educational initiatives, we strive to create a thriving ecosystem that supports the growth and success of African-owned enterprises.
Brainfuse JobNow
Online tutoring, and so much more. Brainfuse mission is to connect people who want to learn with experts who love to teach. For over two decades, we have pursued that singular goal. In the process, we have become one of the nation’s leading online tutoring providers.
Greater St. Louis - Workforce
Greater St. Louis, Inc. brings together businesses and civic leaders to create jobs, expand inclusive economic growth and improve St. Louis' global competitiveness. We are dedicated to St. Louis' growth and prosperity as a global metropolitan region that expands economic opportunity for all. We speak with a unified voice, lead with a bold agenda and act as one metropolitan region anchored by a vibrant urban core.
One Metropolitan Square,
211 N Broadway Suite 2200,
St. Louis, MO 63102
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro St. Louis
Improves business opportunities for Hispanic & Latino firms and professionals thereby improving the economic development of the St. Louis region.
Immigrant Professional Women's Network in STL
This group was created for immigrant professional women by four foreign born women professionals (Nalini Mahadevan, Ekin Pellegrini, Min Jung Kim, Susan Gobbo). The mission of this network is to connect, educate and elevate immigrant professional women to integrate and thrive in the St. Louis region.
LinkedIn profile
Immigrant Career Path
Career advancement for International Professionals (CAIP). CAIP is a four-week/16 hour soft-skills training program for international professionals featuring:
Resume Writing
Interviews & Professional Communication
Job Search Tactics & Social Media
Recertification & Credentialing
Practical Application & Role-Playing
Rung for women
Rung empowers women to grow and achieve sustained independence through co-located and coordinated educational, professional, and economic resources.
2717 Sidney Street
St. Louis, Missouri 63104
Welcome to the U.S.A. _ You’re Hired
Foreign-born job seekers – whether they be international students, relocated persons, immigrants, or refugees – will find their American dream job faster and more confidently after reading this book.